Today we saw numerous people at the Transplant Center. I love the idea of the department being a 'one-stop-shop' type of center.
Dietician: I think she was impressed with our knowledge of dietary restrictions we're already living by. Ron living with diabetes we've learned what he can and can't eat. Add to it - the Hep C condition - dietary restrictions - which limits his sodium and red meat consumption. I think we passed with flying colors.
The 'Slideshow': We were shown a slideshow with 'everything you ever wanted to know about a liver transplant' - again, we felt like we've 'been there done that' because every complication of end stage liver disease listed - Ron's had it. We found out that 40% of offers (donations) are turned down (The organ must be in good working condition and right size). We were shown the stats for transplants at Piedmont - and all stats were above the national stats - GREAT!
Surgeon: He thinks Ron is a great candidate for liver transplant. Ron is thin, pretty much disease free (if you don't count his liver) and as the surgeon said ... with 'just a little bit of diabetes'. The surgeon told us, "If I had a liver on the shelf, I would give you one today." He told us, we have his vote YES!
Social Worker: I wasn't clear how the social worker fit in the whole process; but once she began the was clear. It is very important that Ron has a strong support system. People who love and care for him - people who will be there for him before and after the transplant, people who can take him to doctors appointments and make sure he has the after care support he needs. She asked about family and friends - insurance and financial security.
We'll wait on our next call from the transplant center - Ron will need to go in for a head to toe check up - cross your fingers!
We're feeling pretty positive and Ron is ready to keep the process moving.
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