Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Swollen foot, albumin levels and garage piddling

Ron's left foot is still swollen.  He visited his PCP today; and the doctor would like to do another ultrasound.  The ultrasound is scheduled for Friday.

In the meantime, his transplant team has taken him off Bactrim, Ron's albumin levels are off just a tad - and they will treat him with a nasal antibiotic - I'm not really clear what's going on - I'm back at work and wasn't with Ron at his clinic appointment last week.  He has an appointment for the nasal antibiotic treatment tomorrow......hopefully he'll have more information.

Ron is feeling well - this past weekend he thought about blowing the (fall) leaves out of our yard - but realized the blower was too heavy (good call).  He piddled in the garage straightening up his disorganized-organized garage stuff mess.....oh, and lysol wiped the door knobs (yes, he's a germ-a-phob).......but like he tells me....."I'll do anything not to have to go back to the hospital."  Amen to that.

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