Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Even Better News

Today Ron went back for the results of his PET scan (lungs) - a lung biopsy was done after his bile duct repair surgery (February 18th), on a mass, and the results came back benign. 

The doctor wanted to keep an eye on it - so Ron had a PET scan earlier this month..............and.............the mass is smaller.  YAY!  It was 2.0cm in February and now it's .8cm; the doctor wants a follow up CT scan in 6 months........everything looks great.

I don't know if anyone out there deals with MEDCO for prescriptions...........here's a word of warning  - check and double check the communication between MEDCO and your physician. 

Ron has always been prescribed generic - well - today Ron calls MEDCO about a prescription that hasn't arrived yet (actually he's out)........anyway, they mentioned they shipped out his Cardura........and the copay cost is 127.00..........WOAH!...Cardura is the brand name drug..........the generic drug copay cost is 15.00.......but the brand name drug has been shipped and guess what - they don't accept returns........and if we don't pay for the Cardura - they won't send any other of his medications.......including his anti-rejection drugs.  Basically - they have us over a barrel.


  1. Beaux's wife, Lois, here. I would suggest you call your insurance company and ask for the patient advocate. Explain what happened and ask if there's any way that individual can ask Medco, which wants to keep the insurance company's business, to fix that. If it was their mistake, they should take care of it. But I guarantee a voice from the insurance will have more clout than you will. I've had excellent luck with that kind of approach. Also, talk to the Medco specialty pharmacist and make it clear that you expect to get generics unless there's an exception from the doctor. That will keep it from happening again. Good luck. I hate pharmacies in general. They make me crazy.

  2. That may seem like a a small amount of money to some people, but when you have 10 other copays, along with that.... it's alot of money. Hang in there! Great advice above. I hope that helps you.

  3. Hi Ron, It's been awhile, but just to let you know, you're still in my thoughts. Take care my friend.
    Larry B
