Saturday, May 26, 2012

Beginning a New Adventure - Heart Failure

Let me try and put the pieces of information together.

Before Ron's liver transplant, he underwent several tests, one of which was a 'once-over' of his heart. 
He was told he had some calcification (heart) but nothing more than was expected for someone his age.  We were told he should have his heart checked out once he received his liver and after recovery.

After Ron's liver transplant he began experiencing swelling in his left leg; we were told it was a side effect of the anti-rejection drug, Rappamune.

Ron began having difficulty breathing when walking over a short distance.

Several weeks ago Ron's right leg began to swell.

He has difficulty sleeping - he takes a couple of breaths and wakes himself up trying to catch his breath.  He's having vivid hallucinations during his half wake/half sleep periods; so much so, I can't sleep in the same bed with him.  He has conversations with people that aren't here - he told me this morning - that the room was filled with people last night.

His recent stress test showed heart failure (we don't know what class/stage) - he has many more tests to go through.

His kidney function is elevated.

I will update as we have more information.

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